PSU Dandy Dialer Version 2.03 2/7/94 C. J. Sacksteder Penn State University Center for Academic Computing INTRODUCTION This program is for entering and saving various dialing strings used to connect to the CAC's "Authenticated Internet Connection" server. The program will create the necessary script and launch the actual dialing program. It is currently capable of working with FTP Software's PC/TCP and Peter Tattam's Trumpet Winsock. While it was designed for use at Penn State, it might be adaptable for other servers. See NOTPSU.TXT for information. INSTALLATION Put these files in your WINDOWS/SYSTEM directory if they aren't already there: VBRUN300.DLL COMMDLG.DLL CMDIALOG.VBX If you are using PC/TCP, then: Put the other files in the PC/TCP directory (the one with PCTCP.INI), except you can throw away LOGIN.ORI. Add a program item in an appropriate group for PCDIAL.EXE. Make the working or start-up directory the PC/TCP directory. If you are using Trumpet Winsock, then: Put the other files in the directory with TCPMAN.EXE, except throw out DIALBELL.INI and COMSCRPT.PIF. If you have a working LOGIN.CMD, save it by renaming it. (PSUDIAL will copy any existing LOGIN.CMD to LOGIN.SAV before generating a new one.) Add a program item in an appropriate group for PCDIAL.EXE. Make the working or start-up directory the same directory as TCPMAN. Add TWSHANG.EXE to the program group. RUNNING IT All the documentation is in the help file. Pick Contents or Search from the Help menu, or press F1 after clicking on any field (or click on a button and press F1 with button still down). For Trumpet Winsock, a TWSHANG.EXE is included. This will send keystrokes to TCPMAN to run the BYE script. Right now it minimizes TCPMAN after doing that because closing it didn't work. CHANGES 1/07/94 -- 1.1 fix bugs, add context-sensitive help 1/09/94 -- 1.11 change how modem setup strings are set; various other fixes 3/16/94 -- 2.00 provide two modem setup strings separate dialog for modem setup strings 6/9/94 (v2.02) Add minimize option to minimize TCPMAN after dialing. Set focus to dial button if userid and password are set. 6/27/94 (v2.03) Display winsock information in About box; center About. Remember location of main window. Add list of modems to modem setup dialog. Add TWSHANG.EXE. KNOWN PROBLEMS -- Can't find help file: if the PSUDIAL.HLP is in the startup or working directory (where it is usually found), but a setup file from another directory has been selected, then the current directory no longer has the help file and it can't be found (directory not in path). Workaround is to move the help file to a directory like Windows or one in the path. -- Minimize option (for Trumpet Winsock) -- minimizes right after script starts on some systems (on others, minimizes after script ends). Oh, try running SHARE before starting Windows -- this works on the DOS 6 system. POSSIBLE ENHANCEMENTS -- Ability to set the name of an application to launch after the connection is made. Need to be able to tell when SLIP is established first.